Placing site icon next to moderators profile image

hello first i like to say a big THANKS for all the support i get witin meta. Building my community using Discourse has been fun and interesting because of you guys. i want to place my site icon next to moderators / staffs on my site. How can i go about this?

Create a Group for all of Your staff and assign it a flair.


can this be done inside admin cpanel? i dont really get it :sob:

Use the groups interface, look at your hamburger menu.

As @itsbhanusharma said create a group and then assign the logo as a flair.


From the hamburger menu, Select Groups.

Then select + New Group button


all good now. thanks

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Flair is not supported on admin/moderator/staff (built-in) groups?
That is a pain, as I need to maintain another group, just to add flair on it…

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