Please add strikethrough and underline support in Markdown


Github Markdown has strikethrough support like this:

~~deleted text~~

This would be extremely useful on my site. Additionally, it is sometimes useful to strikethrough an entire paragraph. Maybe it could be implemented like this?

Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. Long paragraph of deleted text. 

Additionally, it would be nice to have underline support like Textile:


I know that Discourse has bbcode support too, but I hate bbcode and all [hate]tags[/hate] pretty much. :smile:

Thanks a lot fore reading!


Markdown suggestions should be directed to, or more specifically this existing thread about the strikeout feature. If Discourse invents its own conventions, that would defeat the whole purpose of creating the CommonMark spec.


Ah, I didn’t know there was a spec, thanks for the link. I assumed it was kind of a dead project being forked by any number of newer initiatives.

As I learned here:

Strikethrough is available now via <del>some old text</del> (some old text )

Hope this helps!


<s>strikethrough</s> strikethrough also works, but it’s still not as simple and intuitive as ~~.

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Standard HTML code strike-though is not yet available! now available!

According to the HTML5 spec, <s> or <strike> serve a different purpose to <del> semantically.

The <s> element represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant.

NOTE: The s element is not appropriate when indicating document edits; to mark a span of text as having been removed from a document, use the del element.

The del element represents a removal from the document.

Using <del> also causes rise for people to use <ins> to insert text, the underline text on the first line of this post is inserted like this:
<ins> now available!</ins>

It is possible to strikethrough and underline using BBcode, just in case you want to use it in the mean time.

[s]text[/s] text
[u]text[/u] text


There is ample support for this, so closing.

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Strikethrough is now supported using markdown:



No underline as yet though, apart from the bbcode:

