Plugin to integrate Shopify accounts with Discourse

:: Summary We developed a Shopify app to simplify OAuth2 integration between Discourse and Shopify. Shopify users will be able to use their accounts to log in to Discourse.
:hammer_and_wrench: App Link Discoursify – Discourse login - Seamless login Integration for Discourse community | Shopify App Store


If you own a shopify store and would like to use one accounts system instead of separate logins for Discourse and Shopify, this app will help you in:

  • setting up everything on Shopify and Discourse sides (OAuth2);
  • providing a back-end that securely generates access tokens for account integration;
  • simplifies UX for your users who spend less time to get access to all resources you provide.

App link:


UPD: the app now supports DiscourseConnect (SSO) via Shopify

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