Post date can't be right clicked to copy link anymore

Ever since the share-post modal has been added, the post date link is no longer a link, and it can’t be right clicked to ‘Copy link address’ to share, instead requiring the use of the modal.

This breaks some fairly old workflow:


While, yes, the new modal is more obvious for people not aware of the old method, it requires me to move my mouse (or finger, on mobile, if long-pressing) more than the browser context menu would’ve, and it might be this accidentally got removed when implementing the new modal.


Hmm, would it not be more natural for the chain to be a link that you can right click and copy?


I wonder if there is a way we can make that work.


I did notice that right-clicking the datestamp at upper right is no longer behaving the way it used to… we may have regressed a little. I need to check on my desktop, I’m on the chromebook at the moment, but it’s that whole “link not behaving like a normal link” issue we see from time to time.


Oh … well the time stamp is super easy to fix, and we can introduce a test to ensure this will not regress.

Fiddling with the chain at the bottom of posts is very complicated, that would probably be a medium sized piece of work. We can skip for now.

Getting this assigned out, we will add an href to the link, we can get this fixed next week.


We recently refactored that modal and we missed that functionality. Sorry.

@nbianca can you add this to your list?


I added back the URL in this PR:


Seems there is a new fix. In the last few hours there is a strange behavior if you click the post date on mobile.

I took the screenshots here in mobile view, but I’m not able to get there on mobile anymore. So something seems wrong here.


I agree @nbianca, looks like the fix didn’t go as planned :sweat_smile:

The link shows but, at least on desktop, I can’t get the modal to show anymore.


Should be fixed via the just merged FIX: Href attribute for post-date link by pmusaraj · Pull Request #16471 · discourse/discourse · GitHub.


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