Post folding

:information_source: Summary Allow some posts to be folded manually
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


TL;DR Allow manually collapse/uncollapse certain posts.

Staff/TL4 users can find the collapse/uncollapse button under the wrench under the post

For user groups that do not have a wrench in their post, it will appear directly in the post button


  • discourse_post_folding_enabled: Enable post folding
  • discourse_post_folding_can_fold_post_groups: Groups that can fold posts

With Topic OP moderation Plugin

After installing Topic OP moderation Plugin, you can let the OP of a topic fold the posts under the topic.


This looks very useful – thank you!

Does Post Folding require the Topic OP moderation Plugin?

I believe I have this installed and configured correctly, but I can’t seem to get past a permissions error…

It should not be required, but can be coordinated. This looks like a bug, let me look into it


I realized, I made a stupid syntax error… it should be fixed now.


I discovered there is a strange behavior with the expandable reply count, when the setting enable filtered replies view is enabled (checked as shown below)…

Screenshot 2024-09-04 131406

What strange behavior? I don’t see it. Do you have any screenshots?

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This shows the (misbehavior)…

I don’t think it’s a problem with my plugin :wink: because I can’t reproduce it in either my test environment or my forum. Is it possible that it’s a problem with the theme or other plugins you installed?

Here is a link to see how it looks on my forum. test fold plugin - #3,来自 Calorie - 公开区 - Futarino

This mis-behavior (as shown in the above video) happens when I have this plugin enabled and also have enable filtered replies view enabled. They both provide similar behaviors, and having both enabled at the same time seems to cause a conflict. Just using one or the other seems like the best answer.

My only suggestion would be to mention this in the plugin settings.

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This is indeed a point to be improved :thinking: Anyway, I disabled the folding filter for the filtered replies view.

But I think this is not a bug, it is a feature, because it does exactly what it is supposed to do: fold the posts you folded, leaving the rest unchanged.