Private template permissions to override allowed PM tagging groups

I have a particular use case that I wanted to ask about for Discourse Templates and private templates. Assuming the current behavior is working as intended, I put this down as a feature request, but if it turns out that what I’m looking for is actually supported already in some way, would appreciate if I could be directed accordingly.

Currently my site is has many many tags and it is generally assumed regular users are NOT using them in PMs at all; I have tagging in PMs limited to only staff as we use it for administrative organizational support.

But I would like to potentially make available private templates to regular users. Given the current setup, even if I specify that the main group is allowed to use private templates, if I do not make ALL tags available to them (via regular Discourse settings), they will not have tagging enabled at all on PMs and therefore cannot tag with even just template.

It would be nice if there was a setting in Templates that allowed users in the permitted groups to tag only with the template tags specified by the Templates plugin. I realize this might be a tall ask, but wanted to throw it in there, especially if I’m missing something.

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