ProCourse Installer

Then you should switch to a 2-container install (Move from standalone container to separate web and data containers). That reduces downtime to about a minute.


If you removed the installer plugin and did a full rebuild, those plugins will be gone as there is no active mechanism to install them on rebuild.


No, I didn’t, I just ended up reloading a backup before the glitch. Though I haven’t had it reoccur since I added more space to the server so I don’t know if that has any correlation or not.

Hi Joe!

Awesome plugin! Makes life much easier.

I have encountered a problem. While installing Retort plugin it seems to have stalled during install

And Stuck on Spinning up Below

It has been stuck at this point now for and hour or more. How do I go about fixing this? Can I logon to server and edit app.yml remove Retort Plugin save and rebuild?

Thanks again!


Found it was Docker Manager upgrade that hung it up. Reset Docker Manager Upgrade and initiated Docker Manager Upgrade.

Waiting for it to complete before installing more plugins.



For some reasons, I can’t access the Plugins section anymore:


Any idea why?
Is Discourse.Route has been removed and the plugin needs to be updated?

EDIT: Looks like it was that. Made a PR on the repo:


I moving to new server. Just lost all plug-in install will procourse-installer. They still display in admin/plugins/procourse-installer/installed but actually do not exist.

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Have you rebuilt since you restored the database?

EDIT: It sounds like rebuilding might be source of the problem!

Last time I used procourse installer, it properly installed plugins, but these plugins were removed upon rebuilding.

A friend had issues with it too. If issues happen to other people and the plugin isn’t maintained anymore, maybe it should be moved in #plugin:broken-plugin. :man_shrugging:

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I already rebuilt many time

Given the plugin current state, you should remove it and go back to the regular way to install plugins by editing app.yml.

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Yea, i already do that. Great thing is all plug-in setting is still in database so no need to setting again.

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Moved to #plugin:broken-plugin for the time being. If it’s fixed at some point let us know and we’ll move it back.