Publish Direct Messages

:information_source: Summary Publish Direct Messages allows users to publish any direct message by tagging it with published
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

:rotating_light: This plugin should be considered experimental :rotating_light:

This plugin is fully functional, yet extremely basic. I am no professional web developer, and am more than willing to grant co-maintainer status to anyone serious who likes the concept and wants to contribute.


Do you want fine-grained control over who can edit an individual topic, and then share it to the entire web without hassles?

In this plugin this is solved by allowing direct messages to be published (basically turning any direct message into an open letter).


Publish any Direct Message by appending the published tag to it.

You can now share the link to the DM with anyone, even people outside of Discourse. They can see the DM now without being logged in.

Contrary to the Page Publishing plugin, all chrome is shown and all decorators are run, giving a nice, full Discourse experience even for non-logged in users.

Be aware that the entire thread is shown, not only the inital post.


No configuration necessary.