Question of complexity of work for a price point

Hi folks, I’ve been given a budget from a community I am a part of to seek out some development for our site and was given some advice on price points from someone who works in software development but it seems that his advice might not necessarily be transferable here. Instead of posting multiple marketplace posts like I have been seeking work I’d like to ask for a reference point as to what I would be able to reasonably expect to be done work wise for a budget of ~$1,000 USD.

Some example of things we’d like done are:

  • A change to the way scrolling functions as described in my only other posts on my profile, but long story short it would more than likely need to be a custom theme/plugin that changes the way the “Topics” are displayed by changing the pagination from scrolling endlessly to having pages instead.
  • A way to add/change a trust level and give it additional permissions that are not currently configurable, such as allowing the trust level to change the tags on posts and add new potential tags.
  • A function that auto-adds a persons username to the end of their post title.

These are three different complexity levels of things I have been given to potentially seek out, any advice you can give on what a reasonable rate for these would be would be extremely appreciated, thank you very much.

$1k is a reasonable budget to get something done but unlikely to get you all these things.

Case in point:

Given no-one picked this up I would consider at least doubling this budget and see what happens:

imho you are looking at more like a budget of ~ $4k to get your entire list done but that is not a personal bid :sweat_smile:

In terms of complexity I think out of 5 I would grade these:

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

good luck and thank you for considering funding the ecosystem.

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Yes, 1k wasn’t budgeting for all of these it was more of a "Here’s the important ones and if you can’t get this done then move onto the next one. Tyvm for your input!