Quoting Markdown list of Discourse quotes fails

  1. Issue

    When trying to quote

    Can I copy an image from #Spectacle in a format different to the default? - #5 by rokejulianlockhart - Help - KDE Discuss

    tested at https://try.discourse.org/t/https-discuss-kde-org-t-can-i-copy-an-image-from-spectacle-in-a-format-different-to-the-default-6611-5-u-rokejulianlockhart/1469?u=rokejulianlockhart for the sake of posterity,

    occurs – it doesn’t quote everything, despite me selecting everything. Rather, it breaks halfway.

  2. Example

    @tubbadu, per:

    …all I want to do is be able to save a captured image’s content (I believe that’s what you refer to by “pixmap”, certainly not its path) in a format different to the default configured in #Spectacle’s Preferences page without having to save it as a different file type first (after which it indeed allows me to do so, albeit solely as the file type I saved it as last).

    [quote="tubbadu, post:4, topic:6611, full:true"]
    I don’t think I understand: when you copy the image, do you mean to copy “file://path/tofile.tiff” or to copy the pixmap to clipboard?
    @tubbadu, per:
    0.	[quote="rokejulianlockhart, post:1, topic:6611"]
    	By default, #spectacle::tag saves my images as `.tiff`.
    0.	[quote="rokejulianlockhart, post:1, topic:6611"]
    	However, I frequently want to copy these screenshots as `.png` files.
    0.	[quote="rokejulianlockhart, post:1, topic:6611"]
    	I don’t seem to be able to do this without first having to save the image as `.png`, after which I’m able to use “Copy” to copy it to the clipboard as whatever I saved it as (`.png`).
    …all I want to do is be able to save a captured image's *content* (I believe that's what you refer to by “pixmap”, certainly not its path) in a format different to the default configured in #Spectacle's Preferences page without having to save it as a different file type first (after which it indeed allows me to do so, albeit solely as the file type I saved it as last).