Reply reminder - Remind users to reply to new users topics with zero replies

To use on categories and subcategories I ammended the code as this:

  Discourse.ExternalNavItem = Discourse.NavItem.extend({
    href : function() {
      return this.get('href');

  I18n.translations.en.js.filters.unanswered = { title: "Unanswered", help: "Topics that have not be answered" };

    buildList : function(category, args) {
      var list = this._super(category, args);
      if(!category) {
        list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: '/latest?max_posts=1', name: 'unanswered'}));
      } else if (!category.parentCategory) {
        list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: '/c/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1', name: 'unanswered'}));
      } else {
        list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: '/c/' + category.parentCategory.slug + '/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1', name: 'unanswered'}));
      return list;