Reply reminder - Remind users to reply to new users topics with zero replies

The problem I’m seeing is that the tags route doesn’t respect the max_posts filter, for example, this doesn’t work:

A workaround for this is to use tags as a filter in the URL. Something like this might be close to what you’re looking for. It needs a bit of testing before I’d use it on a live site.

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
    if (I18n.translations.en) {
        I18n.translations.en.js.filters.unanswered = {title: "Unanswered", help: "Topics that have not be answered"};

    api.modifyClass('component:navigation-item', {
        active: Ember.computed("contentFilterMode", "filterMode", function () {
            let contentFilterMode = this.get('content').get('filterMode');
            if ( &&'&')[0] === "?max_posts=1") {
                return contentFilterMode === "unanswered";
            } else {
                return this._super(contentFilterMode, this.get('filterMode'));

    api.modifyClass('controller:discovery/topics', {
        resetParams: function () {
            this.setProperties({max_posts: null});
            this.setProperties({tags: null});

    Discourse.ExternalNavItem = Discourse.NavItem.extend({
        href: function () {
            return this.get('href');

        buildList: function (category, args) {
            let list = this._super(category, args),
                tag = args.tagId,

            if (!category) {
                unansweredHref = tag ? '/latest/?max_posts=1&tags=' + tag : '/latest/?max_posts=1';
            else if (!category.parentCategory) {
                unansweredHref = tag ? '/c/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1&tags=' + tag : '/c/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1';
            } else {
                unansweredHref = tag ? '/c/' + category.parentCategory.slug + '/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1&tags=' + tag :
                    '/c/' + category.parentCategory.slug + '/' + category.slug + '?max_posts=1';
            list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: unansweredHref, name: 'unanswered'}));
            return list;