Report Content to Group

:information_source: Summary A button for you to report content to group
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository discourse-contact-staff-button (
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Sometimes, in large forums, you can have many TL4s but few moderators.

The “Flag” feature is always dependent on the moderator, is there any other way for TL4, or other groups, to also be notified about posts? Now they can also handle part of the business.

There will be an extra button below the post as follows

Clicking it will pop up the private message template [1]

This is theme settings [2]

  1. Designed for Chinese context, you need to manually adjust some text ↩︎

  2. Note that Chinese is the default option, you may need to modify it according to the following part ↩︎


Maybe this is a translation issue, but in the English version of Discourse moderators are part of the staff group. So Contact Staff Button seems a bit of a misleading name for this component as the way I understand it, it’s specifically made so that you don’t need to contact staff? But rather can choose an alternative group to send reports to. How about a title like Report content to group?


My mistake. Thank you so much for your suggestion! ! :smiley:


Hi Linca,

I might suggest looking at your Category settings. The team quite awhile ago added an option of “Category Moderators” With this option you can have a group enabled to moderate a category.

Here is topic from the team on improvements.

Your theme component though could be modified to have other cool uses. Like adding a Support link to a category for example to send a Tailored message for a product support.

This could be used to populate details a support staff may need from a user.

I am going to take a closer look on my test site. But if you add an option to restrict button to a specific category this could be quite cool.