Reset a User's Bounce Score

:bookmark: This guide explains how to reset the Bounce Score for users on your Discourse site.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Each Discourse user has a Bounce Score associated with their account.

Each time an email bounces to a userā€™s email address, that userā€™s ā€˜bounce scoreā€™ is incremented either by the value set by your siteā€™s soft bounce score or hard bounce score setting depending on if the bounce was a temporary or permanent bounce.

Once a userā€™s bounce score reaches the value of a siteā€™s bounce score threshold site setting Discourse will stop attempting to email the user.

If an email is not sent to a user who has exceeded the siteā€™s bounce score threshold, an entry will be added to the Skipped logs (.../admin/email/skipped), and the Skip Reason will be set to Exceeded bounce_score_threshold.

Bounce score site settings

By default, the following site settings manage how bounce scores function on your Discourse site:

Reset a Userā€™s Bounce Score

:warning: Itā€™s important to make sure that any underlying issues with email deliverability are fully resolved before resetting bounce scores.

To manually reset a userā€™s bounce score:

  1. Navigate to the userā€™s admin page.
  2. Click the ā€œResetā€ button located in the ā€œBounce Scoreā€ row near the top of the page.

Resetting the bounce score will set all scores to 0, allowing emails to be sent to the user again. If not reset manually, Discourse will automatically clear the score after the duration set by reset bounce score after days .

:information_source: Users cannot reset their own bounce scores. Allowing users to reset their scores could lead to abuse, such as endlessly clearing the score while continuing to bounce emails, which can cause issues with your email service.g to bounce emails, which could cause problems with your email service.

Bulk Reset

Itā€™s possible to reset the bounce score for all users globally, however, this requires access to the rails console for your site.

:warning: If you are a Discourse hosted customer, please reach out to if you need to reset the bounce scores for users globally on your site.

To reset the bounce score for all users on your site, enter the rails console for your site with:

cd /var/discourse/
./launcher enter app
rails c

Then use the following command:

UserStat.all.update_all(bounce_score: 0.0, reset_bounce_score_after: nil)

This reset will cause Discourse to resume sending emails to any and all users who were not receiving emails due to ā€œexceeding the bounce score thresholdā€.

Last edited by @SaraDev 2024-09-06T19:37:13Z

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