Reset Bump Date doesn't reset after my reply

I’m going through my community (I am a moderator) and marking any solved posts. Some are very old and were closed but did not yet have an answer, so I answered them, marked them solved, and clicked Reset Bump Date, but they’re still showing at the top of the list when I check our forum.

I tried editing the post and then resetting the bump date. I tried opening then closing the post and then resetting the bump date. Nothing has worked so far.

How can I get the Reset Bump Date to work for these posts? I definitely do not want them showing at the top of the forum list.

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I believe Reset Bump Date will change the Topic Time Stamp back to the last visible Post submission date if you delete a Post.

Obviously if you add a new Post that will represent the new Date/Time. So not what you want here.

I think what you need is to change the Topic Timestamp.

Try using the associated control on the Topic (not Post) wrench (at the foot of the Topic) to change the Timestamp to the date of the OP.

NB Be aware I believe it will change all Post Time Stamps on the Topic.

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No, I don’t think you want to do that. That would mess a lot of things up and would be very hard to revert.

Deleting the last post, resetting the bump date, and then undeleting the post can be a good workaround.

There’s also the option to not bump the topic in the composer itself when adding a reply, in the composer options menu in the top left.

Edited to remove Jammy talking nonsense

Resetting the bump date will take it back to the last activity of the topic preceding the latest change. If you’re only adding one post, resetting should take it back to the point before that. Make sure you refresh the topic list to get the current view that reflects the change.

If you add a post and then close, resetting would take it back to the post you added. In those situations I delete both the post and the close small action post, reset, then undelete both again.


I don’t think this is right?

It will reset it to the time stamp of the last visible Post.

So if you add a new Post, it will appear at top of Latest even after resetting?

I just tested this and I believe that is correct.

Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t think there is any way around changing the timestamp of the topic?


Having just had a quick check, I think reset bump date might be broken.

Let me investigate. :eyes:

It seems to have worked! If I delete my post → reset bump date (which seems to clear the ‘Solved’ checkbox from my post) → undelete my post → click ‘Solved’ again on my post → then it no longer appears at the top of the forum list :+1:


That’s a nice workaround!

Not sure that’s particularly intuitive though?

(So the undeleting step does not change the bump date, interesting!)

I’m glad that worked. :tada: :slight_smile:

I’ve slipped it over to the bug category as I don’t think it’s fully working properly at the moment. Hopefully we can get this smoothed out. :crossed_fingers:

It should reset to the timestamp of the activity just before the latest action (so add a post, reset, and the topic will go back to the second to last post)

Scratch that. This is not right.


Are you sure?


I use this feature almost every day. :slight_smile: There is a chance I’ve had some kind of aneurysm, but I’m fairly confident that it should ‘reverse the bump’.

Hmm. :thinking: We might be in aneurysm territory. Having a read around it does seem like what you’re saying is expected.

But I have distinct memories of using it to send topics that I’ve posted on back down the list.

I was so utterly convinced I was right on this, but I’ve spun up a stable test site and the same thing is happening there too. My bad. :pray:

I’ve obviously gotten too comfortable with my workarounds and forgot how it really worked. How embarrassing. :grimacing:


Not embarrassing. This is a surprisingly complex bit of functionality with several edge cases.

What is nice here is that it is flexible enough to achieve what the OP desired without a significant downside.

All good :+1:


With software of this complexity hard at times to keep track of everything.

Just recently learned a team member here was unaware of the new “form templates” feature. In my query to their plugin as a result their answer seem to suggest it supported them. However they had meant choosing one of their plugin’s templates created for setting up a post.

I was not clear enough as had not posted a link to the announcement topic.

Link to plugin easy to miss something or the odd time confuse a detail. With your given record you do sb exceptional job.

I don’t know where reseting takes its date, but I’m using it almost daily to ”hide” a topic from /latest if it got an edit or small post that is not relevant for users nor topic itself (I really dislike as closing old topic and that bumps it; it is totally unnecessary to show it to everybody just because of that god damn small post :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: )