Restart Discourse in Container

Hi, when one is in the container in the console, how can one restart Discourse?

Why can’t you restart it from the Discourse directory? The script to do this job is intended to be run from there.

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If I do it this way, all the changes I have made to files in the container will be reset when the whole container is restarted…

Your changes will persist if you make them properly:

  • with variables in app.yml
  • with a Theme or Theme Component
  • with a Plugin (if you need to change the behaviour of the back end for example)
  • to the database (preferably via the front end or a rake task)
  • uploads
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When I edit the app.yml, I have to rebuild

Not for everything. Some variable changes will apply on a simple restart via the launcher eg SMTP creds I believe.

./launcher restart app

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No, the values are the old ones, although I restarted after editing the YML

Which variables?

For sure for many variables you will need to rebuild.

Rebuilding is normal. Embrace it :).

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Rebuilding just takes too long

Well you shouldn’t need to rebuild more than once a week? And even then I would use the upgrade page most often to eliminate significant downtime.

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yupz. it just take time 15min-30min if you configuration the file app.yml

after edit
you must ./launcher rebuild app
you can use this command ./launcher rebuild app --skip-prereqs