Restrict invites question

If we go the bulk invite route is the link provided to users only available to be used by the emails in the CSV? meaning if they give the link to someone else I’m hoping it will not work.

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Access to the topic you are linking to will depend on the category the topic is in, and the security settings for that category. So if you add a user to a group that has access to the category as you invite the user, then they will have access.

I’m sorry that does not make sense to me.

They are only invited to the group via the link. We are not adding them before hand because that is what the invite is for. Some of them may not even have accounts yet.

If they give a link created via the normal invite flow, any random person can use the link and be in the group. I am trying to prevent that if possible.

To be clear.

the category is already set to only allow our employees/admins and the private group that was already created.

The invite give them a link which takes them where they can accept. when accepted puts them in the group and is set to send them to the “about this category” topic in the category where we are posting some instructions for them.

I am asking if there is a way to prevent any random person who may get their hands on the link from gaining access

I think I understand pretty well what it is you are seeking to do. When you bulk invite using CSV, each email address in the CSV file is sent its own unique invite link that only works for that email address. And if specified in the CSV is also added to one or more groups and sent to a topic. It’s a powerful feature!

I would suggest you try this out for yourself to make sure you are comfortable with how it works, and then to invite people in smaller batches instead inviting a large number of people in one big bulk invite.


You can tailor a link for a target email address. Then only an account iirc can use that link to join

The other option is 1 use only links. The invite link will only be allowed to be used X times. Where X can be as low as 1.

I know about that and we may end using that for folks who we let join later one at a time. I just was not sure about how the bulk thing worked for the initial mass invite of folks.