Discourse Retort

I’ve written a migration script and created an admin UI to migrate retorts to reactions. It’s on this branch. The UI looks like this

I need some advice to finish it off.

It’s possible that a user could have both liked and “retorted” on a post. In the migration, I’m going to preference retorts over likes in this scenario. However the ReactionManager.toggle! access protections do not allow this.

Would it be possible to add a “force” option for migrations? Or could you suggest another approach? I could attempt a manual handling, however Discourse Reactions has some interesting stuff going on with “shadow likes” which I’m not entirely sure I understand fully.

Considering you’re not thinking of adding the ability to have multiple reactions on a post, if a user has multiple retorts I’ll preference the user’s first retort.

Also in light of that, I’ll maintain this plugin as is for the foreseeable future, as that’s a substantive difference. The migration will still be useful to a plurality of users I think though.