Round avatars in topic list?

I am against such an improvement
the whole discourse is made in the form of squares, :pensive:


I suggest border-radius: 25%;

Or 20%.

Just 20%.

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I like it. There has been a general move towards rounded avatars and profile pictures so this makes a lot of sense. Whatsapp recently changed theirs too, and Windows 10 will use rounded profile pictures as well.

I moved 37 posts to a new topic: Changing or removing the last poster avatar highlight

Iā€™m going to post this here for anyone who has Stylish installed and wants the square avatars back.

img {
  border-radius: 0px;

img.avatar {
  border-radius: 0px;

Not impossible to do if you donā€™t mind smaller

* square diagonal <= circle diameter

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Just a comment, but I find it harder to work out at a glance whoā€™s who from the circular avatars. Perhaps itā€™s because theyā€™re smaller in area. Perhaps because most members set up their avatars to display square, and if they were optimised for circular display there would be less/no problem. Perhaps itā€™s simply that Iā€™m not yet used to it. Whatever the cause, Iā€™m finding it a bit uncomfortable.


This sort of visual thing would be fine to have as an option for user avatars (possibly even one enabled by default) but it would be nice if a user could turn it off. It makes things more complicated, but sometimes itā€™s necessary to get things like official logos right.

As a case in point, forcing a circle would badly mangle the Discourse logo.

Re shadows/glows to indicate the most recent poster, Iā€™m happy enough without that information being anything more than a subtle hint. If I really care, Iā€™ll read the topicā€¦

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The biggest issue Iā€™ve seen probably wonā€™t be for new members because they will notice when they upload a custom avatar and correct for any undesirable effect.

But existing members may not notice that ā€œtheir heads are choppedā€ (seems the most common) or that the ā€œdesignā€ is off because of missing corners (eg. System avatar) and their avatars will look off to other members until they change them.

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Oh god, you cheated :stuck_out_tongue:

This issue technically already exists since the square avatar shape might cut off edges of portrait or landscape rectangular images. Regardless of square or round avatars, this could be mitigated by having a preview of what the avatar looks like when a user uploads one.

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There is that. The problem is it might be a problem for those that uploaded before the change to round.

Thatā€™s true, but they can still see their rounded avatar in the top right corner of the site to verify if it looks strange or not. Then again, if theyā€™re infrequent visitors, they may not notice it for a long time/ever.

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Fix: Round all of the things.
* { border-radius:1000px; }


Does the upload actually crop the image or only adjust how it is displayed? If the former, then any change to the avatar is just a one-time change.

These other changes being discussed are all CSS changes as best I recall, which means that an avatar that was fine to start with may suddenly start being displayed in a way that the user would not like, simply because of an arbitrary CSS change.

When I uploaded my avatar originally, I had to redo it to make it square, because otherwise it was cropped to display just the middle section. When circular avatars were introduced, I had to amend it again, because it didnā€™t fit within the diameter of the circle. I imagine that would be quite a common issue.

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Anyone else seeing this on the deleted posts area of a user when logged in as admin?



Though personally, if this is only seen by Mods and this is the only place exhibiting this bug I can live with it.

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