Round avatars in topic list?

By the way, it just occured to me that Github oneboxes could use this too.

Perhaps we need a .onebox-avatar {border-radius: 50%;} line inside onebox/web/assets/stylesheets/style.css?

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Looks sexy to me! :smirk: :white_check_mark:

Please donā€™t put round corners on the Github avatars.

Here, everyone knows that we now have round avatars and many people had to change theirs since it didnā€™t work with round corners. However, nobody expects round corners when they set their Github avatar.


Thatā€™s a fair point. It might also be confusing that some oneboxes have round images while some have square images; or: the distinction could help differentiating between a thumbnail and an avatarā€¦ :confused:

Either way, I have no strong opinion. :no_mouth:

Quoted external content is from an alien planet and may have different rules. It should look visually different. We used to use a different font for Oneboxes to emphasize this.


For us the change wasā€¦ weird.
Most of our avatars cut off really weird now, see my current one which isnā€™t what I use on our own discourse but the one there has the same issue.

It ends with everyone surrounding their current square-based avatar image with a border so that after cropping they fit into the circle (the tribal cat with mane in my case), which effectively nullifies the whole change as the content of the avatar has simply become smaller in the process. Now ofc I could use a different avatar which is optimized for round images but in the case of my quite distinct (I use it everywhere) tribal cat this is simply done by scaling it down. And while we have mugshot-avatars on our forum (which are where round makes sense), >50% use avatars which will simply be scaled down to fit.

Thatā€™sā€¦ not exactly sensible. If it were a per-used option whether they want to use a round or square avatar or at least a board-wide setting, I could totally get behind it. But as an enforced change it feels weird because in our case weā€™ll just end up with everyone being less easy to distinguish.


Hey, at least everyone is getting math practice with a2+b2=c2! :slight_smile:

Have you tried the CSS hack earlier in this topic, to put things back to squares to see if itā€™s more acceptable to users?


No not yet, will do that once I get home. Thanks :smile:

Leaving around as historic ref.