S3 OVH Object Storage


Does anyone use OVH Object Storage (S3) (Object Storage - espace de stockage - API OpenStack Swift - OVH) ?
It is supposed to be S3 compatible, but Discourse (2.6) only show “Aws::S3::Errors::BadRequest”


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hum :thinking: No, but I was wondering the same thing… did your setup previously work with another host ? What configuration did you use in your app.yml ?

I’m afraid, i don’t have app.yml ? I make the install via https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-discourse

well… I’m afraid the bitnami install is not supported, I can only point you toward:

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OK thanks, I will try to reinstall and let you know.

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I did not reinstall, but solved by manually update the param ‘S3_region’ in postgres database (table site_settings).
Si it works fine with OVH and scaleway. :ballot_box_with_check: