SaaS product looking to leverage discourse as an embedded community


I am a Product Manager at an eLearning startup, currently exploring solutions to address the increasing demand from our customers for a community/discussion section within their LMS organisation. During my research, I came across Discourse, which seems to be the standard for forum communities. However, all examples I’ve found are public-facing forums for interacting with customers/users, rather than private forums embedded within an application.

My imagined solution is to utilise the open-source version of Discourse to embed the forum directly into our platform. Each organisation (Think multi-tenant solution) would have its own dedicated forum to maintain data separation, and we would need SSO between the ssytems to ensure users can access the forum with their existing login session.

At this stage, I’m curious if there are any examples of others successfully implementing a similar setup. While I’ve encountered public-facing instances of Discourse, I’m particularly interested in learning about SaaS companies incorporating it as part of their offering, specifically for private forums within a complex application.

I’d also be keen to connect with individuals who possess expertise in this domain for further insights and discussions.

Thank you.