Searching for users on mobile

Just tried to search for a user from mobile and realised that while the mobile search says this:

Bitdoesn’t return user objects, only posts by users.

That’s fine if the user has posted, but in this case the user in question hasn’t posted something in an area which my account has access. The result is no search results.

IIRC search on desktop returns both user objects and posts, can we get the same on the mobile interface?

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This is a long standing issue, but the simple workaround is to use Discourse Meta to search for users which works for mobile as well.


Is this still a standing issue or can a solution be created for this now?? I mean almost every app offers user search so it would be nice if Discourse also did just for the ease. Not comparing Discourse with other apps but the ease of use would definitely be there.

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It’s already possible… go to the users page, type in the search.

I am asking from the main search. I mean even a search component is able to do that then why not the main search?

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It would be much nicer to have the same behaviour in mobile and desktop. You’ll laugh at me but I have on occasions switched to a desktop view on mobile just to get users in the search bar.

That’s true and it’s an absolutely reasonable request. This feature can be and should be consistent throughout the website. And if it can be done using a theme component then why not do the same with the main search at the first place.