Seeking Expert Input for Growing a Thriving Community

Hi all -

Thanks in advance for any feedback or comments I receive on this post.

I’m looking for an expert and/or experienced discourse user - who can look at my online community - hear my successes, ideas, and pain-points - and offer suggestions and implementation strategies for creating a more successful online community.

The website is

We’re an online membership community for Lucid Dreaming - primarily using Wordpress and Discourse as our infrastructure - and so far it’s going really great! We have about 2K members (growing daily) - and our Discourse stickiness factor is hovering around 10 - 15.

I love Discourse - have been using it steady for the past 1.5 years - and feel that it is so powerful - I don’t have the knowledge or experience to see its full potential in my community - and that is what I am looking for, if possible, someone who knows Discourse well - and can offer advice and suggestions for how it can be improved with our current setup.

Thank you!



Hey @Andy_Katz1,

I’ll have a look for you and send you some feedback via DM.

I’ll be signing for the “Free” Plan that is on your site :slight_smile:


Hey Andy,

As this is a marketplace topic can you please include some idea of the budget you’re offering? It was part of the template that you deleted when creating the post.


Hey @IAmGav - I’ll promote you to premium once I see you sign up! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hey @Stephen, thanks for the heads up - my mistake for not seeing the template.

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No worries. If you can’t edit your own post to add your budget you can always ask one of the team to edit it in for you. The template is there to both ensure consultants respond, and ensure they don’t waste your time.


We have someone that can do this for you for free. Talk to @osioke and he will set you up.


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