I’d like to receive a notification if someone edits a post that I’ve liked.
This would avoid users appearing to like posts that they don’t agree with, once they’ve been changed.
Sometimes I only spot the edit once my like has been ‘frozen’ (x time after I’ve liked the post, the like can’t be removed) but I expect there are other posts that I’ve liked whose edits I never spot.
Apologies if this idea is a duplicate, I did look.
Likes removed due to edit is not on the cards, this would have to be a plugin.
My preferred solution here, due to the rarity of the situation is just to flag and have moderators reset likes on cases like this where there “good post” → “like” → “edit to make post unreasonable” chain.
Notify on edit after like, is an interesting concept, but we are protective of attention so I am not super enthused about adding more noise.
I agree to be protective of attention, but the notification would only be sent to those who liked the edited post, not to all watching the topic.
And it’s required to be aware that it has been edited, to be able to require a moderator to reset the likes.