Show latest list sorted by creation date

Hi, I have seen few topics with the solution I am looking for.

I think my question is very similar to latest @abcoathup question in this post.

However, this was not answered. How can I configure my discourse site so that when users enter the main address they jump directly to mysitedomain/latest?order=created ?

And additionally, when users press on the button latest, how I configure the site so that they are re-directed to mysitedomain/latest?order=created. ?



This is not possible at the current time, nor is it planned.

You can use search, if you select ā€œsort by latest topicā€.


Hi @codinghorror, can you point me the way to search how I can modify this? I would love to see the latest list sorted by creation date.

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I (kinda) solve this on my forum by using redirect links, thanks to this post:

Change for the name of your site.

NOTE: If you are a developer, please understand that Iā€™m not. Please dont hate me for doing this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I know this is not the proper way to do this.

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I get this to work by modifying this component a litter bit, that is, adding a button for ā€˜sorted by dateā€™

where I passed in a url query in setting by:

unfinished; unfinished; ?tags=unfinished
created-time; created-time; ?order=created

and check search param in the script:

  api.modifyClass("component:navigation-item", {
    active: Ember.computed("contentFilterMode", "filterMode", function() {
      let contentFilterMode = this.get("content").get("filterMode");

      if (decodeURIComponent( === location) { // check search param
        return contentFilterMode.includes(filter); // if includes this param, active = true;
      } else {
        return this._super(contentFilterMode, this.get("filterMode"));

This works for me but this script will refresh whole page rather than just the inner part, is there a way I can make it only refresh inner topic component?


Hi @HeyRR, have you got this resolved. Would be interested as well as many of our members are requesting a possibility to order the latest page by creation date and not by activity date?

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No luck, sorry, currently I just use the solution I mentioned above, Iā€™m not super familiar with the structure.

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Weā€™d like to see this in our Discourse community. We are new to Discourse but currently finding it difficult to moderate our community and ensure no user feedback, questions etc slip through the cracks. Since we are all working across different time zones the handoff from one moderator to another can be tricky. It would be great if we could easily choose to see all activity created on a certain day. That way if there is a gap in our handover we would see any activity for the hours we were not ā€˜on callā€™ It would also help us to see who should be responding to activity based on when it was created.

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Iā€™d like to add my vote for more support for this:

Some of us are very used to browsing things with a stable chronological order; this helps us use our human spatial ā€œhardwareā€ to keep track of what we have seen. A discourseā€™s shifting Latest view (coupled with all the other view options, and other UI elements) can feel a bit chaotic and stressful.

And, Iā€™ve spent quite a bit of time in our new discourse understanding and explaining that ā€œLatestā€ actually has two important variants, ā€œLatest Active/Pinnedā€ which you get if you click the site title, and ā€œLatest Createdā€ which you get if you click the Latest navigation link.

Currently ā€œLatest Createdā€ (?order=created) can be configured as default for the Categories view, but not for the Latest view.

We also quite miss having a ā€œLatest Created/Pinnedā€. Currently, on Latest and Categories views we can show topics chronologically, or show pinned welcome topics at the top, but not both.


Yes I hear you.

I feel we need to rethink the ā€œhome pageā€ setting in Discourse to allow any route to be a home page and give the flexibility to users to pick the home page they want. Currently we have 5 or 6 things on the menu but really we could allow 100s by allow a ā€œcustomā€¦ā€ for home page.


Adding to the fun: Iā€™ve noticed that when I navigate (various ways) to Top or Hot, they often but not always have ?order=created added to the url, which defeats their purpose. Havenā€™t figured out what triggers this one!