Show latest list sorted by creation date

I get this to work by modifying this component a litter bit, that is, adding a button for ‘sorted by date’

where I passed in a url query in setting by:

unfinished; unfinished; ?tags=unfinished
created-time; created-time; ?order=created

and check search param in the script:

  api.modifyClass("component:navigation-item", {
    active: Ember.computed("contentFilterMode", "filterMode", function() {
      let contentFilterMode = this.get("content").get("filterMode");

      if (decodeURIComponent( === location) { // check search param
        return contentFilterMode.includes(filter); // if includes this param, active = true;
      } else {
        return this._super(contentFilterMode, this.get("filterMode"));

This works for me but this script will refresh whole page rather than just the inner part, is there a way I can make it only refresh inner topic component?