Show Original Poster Avatars

:discourse2: Summary Show Original Poster Avatars is a simple theme component that shows the profile picture of the original poster (OP) on the mobile topic list, rather than the latest reply.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on Discourse Creator (mobile only)
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes

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Created as a component by common request, but worth keeping in mind that this behaviour isn’t the default because the profile picture shown next to a topic will rarely change and could make your site look somewhat stale (in contrast, ‘last poster’ updates often).

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-15T12:22:40Z

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