Show Spoiler Content on 'Like'

Hello Discourse Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest a new feature for Discourse that could enhance user interaction and engagement on our forums.

Feature Suggestion:

I propose the addition of a functionality where clicking the ‘Like’ button reveals spoiler content. This feature would work as follows:

A user posts content with a spoiler tag.
Other users see a ‘Spoiler’ placeholder in place of the hidden content.
When a user clicks the ‘Like’ button on the post, the spoiler content is revealed to them.

Increased Engagement: Users will be encouraged to interact more with posts, knowing that a simple like can unveil hidden content.
Enhanced User Experience: This adds an element of gamification, making the forums more interactive and fun.
Content Control: Original posters can share sensitive or critical information in a controlled manner, ensuring that only engaged users access it.
Implementation Considerations:

I believe this feature would be a valuable addition to Discourse and would significantly improve the way users interact with spoiler content.

Best regards


I think one of the conflicts would be that you’re asking people to Like a post they cannot see. How would they know whether they like it or not without viewing it?


This feature was once a popular “paywall” on Discuz!

But I don’t really understand whether it makes sense on Discourse. Discuz! often has a user level system (unlike trust level, it is more like a game with 100 levels), and upgrades are made through user activity, likes, or points. Level is directly related to some privileges.

But Discourse does not have this feature (likes are involved in TL upgrades, but it is very easy), and likes are almost just spiritual encouragement.

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