Show the fullscreen button on tablet composer, when creating a topic and editing body/title of topic first

Don’t know if this is a bug or ux – feel free to move if needed.


When creating or editing a topic on tablet, the fullscreen button is visible when you first open the composer:

However, I never noticed it on tablet, because this button is not visible if you happen to tap the title/body of the post first and open the keyboard:


  1. Create a new topic on tablet (I’m on iPad Pro 10.5 inch on Safari Desktop view)
  2. Tap on the topic body or topic title field


You can still see the fullscreen button


You can’t see the fullscreen button anymore. Even when you close the keyboard, it is still not there.

Reason for Expected

I understand that the fullscreen button might be confusing as to what it means in that context. Because if you already opened the keyboard, it seems like you’re already in fullscreen mode.

But the problem with hiding the fullscreen button in this way is that if you tap the topic body/title first, you then have no way to get to fullscreen mode, other than by refreshing the page and opening the composer again.

Here is what i mean:

Ideally it would be helpful if the fullscreen button is there even when you tapped the topic title/body first.

I think it would be ok to have it in that spot. For example there’s still the exit fullscreen button in that spot, if you happen to be in fullscreen already