Showcased Categories

Hey @jordan-vidrine

do you accept PRs for this component? I would like to hire a dev to add the feature that I mentioned before:


I have this exact use case in my forum. The users will be using primarily one category (one type for each type of primary group each user belongs to), so it will be more practical for them to see their primary category at the top, but to see the others is important too since interaction between different categories is paramount (this is a political forum, and one of it’s purposes is to promote consensus between different political lines).
(not demanding anything here, of course, but if it’s possible to implement such a feature, I think it would add a lot of value!)


Ah… currently the sidebar version of that component does not work properly with the Air theme. I will look into this a bit more to see if I can get it looking right.


Ahh thank you! It looks like it may be a margins issue


This should now be fixed on the latest update to the air theme If you update your theme things should work properly now for the showcased categories with sidebar enabled.

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One idea could be maybe according to primary group.


Hi is that the option to have groups option?

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Ah no, sorry this was a mistake on my part. This is actually in reference to a different component that a PR was made for.


Cool which component if I may ask?


Awesome thank you. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Firstly, I wanted to say I really enjoy this component. I think it works well, and displays excellently.

The only thing I would like is if the feed titles were also clickable to go to the category in question. At the moment a user needs to click more. We used some customer mouse behaviour tracking, and found that frequently a user would click the title, then in some instances bypass the more altogether to the more default category title cards

If the category text were clickable and redirectable (optionally) this would solve this user flow.


Such a good idea! Here is a merged PR, so it should now be available if you update the component.


Thanks for this, they are certainly clickable but there has been a change to the way they get the title colour now.

Before update the titles were black, and now they are white, and as such are invisible on my setup.

Yeah, just did a test on colours - looks like they are now set to taking the colour from secondary rather than primary which is where it had gotten title colour previously.


I believe this is coming from the Mint theme you are using. I’ll make a PR to adjust this.

EDIT: this pr has been merged. Can you let me know if it is fixed after updating your mint theme?


I use my own version of mint that has been minorly modified, but I emulated your changes on my version and that rectified the issue! Thanks for your work implementing and then making adjustments

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A post was split to a new topic: Customising ‘Showcased Categories’ to show a Most Active feed rather than Latest

Hello !


What happens if we define 2 or more categories ?
Does the entire world collapse ? :laughing:

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I am unsure. :thinking: But if you give it a try I can stand by the window and keep watch? If reality begins to warp and/or crumble, my safeword is ‘banana-pyjamas’. :slight_smile:

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