Showing the best users in WordPress

Any idea how to display the top Discourse users on a WordPress site? For example like this?


Maybe embedding top ranking users? Look for API from ranking global here or wait someone response ya.

One thing to consider: are users as happy about that an admin that uses theirs profiles as an ad on totally different site?

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You could use a similar approach to what the WP Discourse Shortcodes plugin does. It makes API requests to Discourse to get data in a JSON format, then uses the data to generate HTML.

It’s been a while since I looked at that plugin, but possibly it could be extended to add a leaderboard shortcode.

I’m going to make some Discourse blocks for the WordPress Block Editor soon. I’ll think about creating a leaderboard block. Leaderboards are a bit of an anti-feature for me, but I don’t think that’s the case for a lot of people.

Discourse could also look into creating more embeddable widgets - similar to Embed a List of Discourse Topics Into an External Site. A leaderboard widget would be a good candidate for that.

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Thanks for your responses.

@eisammy In looking for a solution, I tried to avoid saying for two reasons. First, I’m not a programmer and then someone would have to maintain the code over time.

@Jagster I understand your concern, but in our case it is the same website. and

@simon Thank you for the recommendation. I had looked at the Wp-discourse-shortcodes plugin plugin before, but was discouraged from using it by its long inactivity.

The WordPress shortcode for Gutenberg sounds like a good idea though.

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It is not same site, but what ever.