“Signup After Approval” Email Template Won't Save

Error: The following interpolation key(s) are invalid: "email_token"

I see this solution below, but doesn’t the user need the token to click and complete their signup?

Just removing %{email_token} is ok?

Here is the full template:

Welcome to %{site_name}! A staff member approved your account on %{site_name}. Click the following link to confirm and activate your new account: %{base_url}/users/activate-account/%{email_token} If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. (If you need to communicate with site Admins as a new user, just reply to this message.)

Is this template obsolete and should be rewritten w/o mention of clicking any link?

:notebook: We did turn “Approve Users” on after being under SSO for a couple years.

Have you previously customized the user_notifications.signup_after_approval.text_body_template?

The default text I’m seeing for this template in the server.en.yml file is:

        Welcome to %{site_name}!

        A staff member approved your account on %{site_name}.

        You can now access your new account by logging in at:

        If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.


        We believe in [civilized community behavior](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times.

        Enjoy your stay!

It doesn’t contain an %{email_token} key.


Not that I’m aware, and that text does not look like anything our mods would have written.

Our users have already confirmed their email by the time they are approved, so it’s logical they don’t need that token. Removed and the template saves fine.
