Site Down. Please Help!

Hello. My Discourse forum appears to be down and I don’t know why. I don’t have any idea how to troubleshoot it either. I am hosting on DigitalOcean. My DNS subdomain looks okay. When I visit the URL I see this. Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can fix this? I have also contacted DigitalOcean support, but they are apparently having some sort of change to their support system which is currently causing delays. I don’t know if the problem is with DO or not. Thanks!

It’s up now, but the https certificate is bad according to my android browser.

I can’t tell why on my phone.

The first thing I would try is to rebuild.

If it’s an emergency that warrants more attention than you can get here, see Fix Your Broken Site – Literate Computing, LLC and email


OK. Thank you. That gives me something to try. Do you mean the certificate I would have from my domain server?

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If you installed a certificate from some external source and not let’s encrypt, then it could be expired.

It is expired. But almost 1 month ago, so it would be a problem for a while. Unless someone put this expired certificate in place a day ago. But that only creates warnings in a browser and one can still proceed by clicking Advanced and then “not recommended” option (worded differently in different browsers). The site itself is up indeed now.

Thank you everyone. This is exactly what happened. My wildcard SSL certificate was purchased from WPEngine where my WordPress site is hosted. Someone else set up the certificate for me on my Discourse forum last year. I did not know that I needed to manually update this every time the certificate renews.

Now I know. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help!