Smtp credentials on digitalocean

I am trying to install a discourse on my website for the first time, hosted on digitalocean with mail service Mailgun. I have setup mailgun and verified it’s working, and all my DNS records are verified.

I am following the instructions at where it gets to running the discourse-setup script, and it tells you to answer the following prompt:

Hostname for your Discourse? []: 
Email address for admin account(s)? [,]: 
SMTP server address? []: 
SMTP port? [587]: 
SMTP user name? []: 
SMTP password? [pa$word]: 
Let's Encrypt account email? (ENTER to skip) []: 

This is a bit ambiguous to me as there is no additional info and I have the following questions:

  • Email address for admin account: is this required to be at the domain name setup to work with mailgun? Currently mailgun has my normal gmail address as the admin.
  • Which user name is user name referring to? Is this simply the same as the admin account? Is it which is the “login” in my mailgun SMTP credentials? Is it another SMTP user? Must this email address have the ability to also receive mail?
  • SMTP password? Is this a new password I am making up or does it refer to the password to the SMTP user specified by “SMTP user name”, or something else?
  • Lets encrypt account email? Is this necessary? Should I just use the same as the admin email address?


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Go to the domain settings page. URL will be like

It will tell you the server address, username, and password.

The admin email address is entirely unrelated to Mailgun, and should be whatever you want the email address for your admin account to be. Use the same one for Let’s Encrypt.

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This page just brings me to the dashboard, there is no info about username or password there. Is it the account settings page? There is info about the admin there, and the password which is simply my mailgun account password. Or is it which lists smtp users? (and therefore I should use one of them, e.g. postmaster)?

I don’t know where the sending page is, I don’t think my account has that. Does work? Click on your domain, and then you just want the “Domain Information” section at the top.

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