Solved Button Plugin

The solved class on the <p> is nice, but any chance to get a CSS class on the post to indicate answered vs. unanswered question (as is done with the accepted answer)?

This would allow us to add some content via CSS on the lead post/question to clearly indicate whether or not it’s been answered. :smile:

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for the sake of consistency, suggest changing this language to “Allow original posters and moderators to choose an answer that solves the topic” or some such. At least have solve somewhere in there so it shows up when searching the settings. :slight_smile:

greatly appreciative of this plugin, @sam - nice work!

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Thanks! fixed now :hammer:


Similar to my request for the topic page:

I realize it’s probably not possible right now, but I think another thing that would be helpful here is to have hooks for CSS styling that cold optionally show unanswered topics in the topic list. It looks like there are no classes right now as it stands, so I would guess there is probably more work involved for this.

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Bug discovered during team testing today…


  1. Have a non-staff user create a new topic in an enabled category.
  2. Non-staff user also accepts an answer.
  3. Staff/admin un-accepts the answer.


  • Staff user should then be able to accept an alternate post as accepted answer.


  • Staff now sees no check buttons on any posts in the topic and can’t accept anything.

EDIT: Actually, as an admin I can no longer see any accept buttons on any un-accepted topics created by other users. Other users seem to be still able to accept things though.


This topic is now closed. New replies are no longer allowed.

Discussion is at: Discourse Solved (Accepted answer plugin)

Version 1 is done.