Some clarification on how the manual promotion from TL0 to TL1 works

Hey, it’s happened a couple of times now that a new user arrives on the forum and has some interesting initiative to share. Of course it hits the limits for Trust Levels and then it’s directed to me to manually raise the TL.

However, when I do that, the limits are still in effects until the 24h have passed.

What I would expect is that when I manually change TL, a script would run and calculate if the limits have been met or not, based on the new TL.

Is there a reason this is not the case?


Is that because of a trust level or a first-day limit?
The “first day” limits apply to users whose first post was in the last 24 hours. That also affects users with TL1. You’d have to promote them to TL2 to bypass the limits.


Ah! Didn’t notice that there was a distinction.

Might be for that “first day” rule then!


Thanks, I didn’t know that. And now my the lowest trustlevel is TL2.


Be careful with that.

The TL0 is good for spambot etc and imho should be always the default trust level.

You can tune the requirements to raise quickly to TL2 eventually so that spambots are still locked by other things (reactions, reading time, etc) but allowing regular users to become “valid users” in a short amount of time.


I know that. But I have had one registrated spammer… what, on three years or so time. So, I’ll deal with that when it starts to be an issue. Until that I’m taking off everything that may make new users’ living uncomfortable. Anyway, they don’t get better trustlevel either. That system is quite useless for me, below staff&moderators anyway.


That is awesome to hear. I was unaware of the first day limits as well. Always learning new things in discourse. :star_struck:

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