Some icons not showing up after upgrade

With 3.4.0.beta2-dev installed, I have several random icons missing. They include the search icon in the top toolbar, icons on the left menu, and icons on the reply/edit/heart for a post screen.

I don’t have any Font Awesome plugins installed. What do I need to do to fix this?

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I’m having these issues too but don’t have any Font Awesome plugins installed.


Are you able to share a link to your site?

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Hi @Aaron_B :wave: yea I can see that some icons are missing even in safe mode. looks like on your site the search icon still called search instead of magnifying-glass. Can you upgrade your discourse instance and try again?

Font awesome 6.6.0 is called magnifying-glass

Font awesome 5.15 icon is called search


It says I have the latest version.


Any other suggestions to try?

Not at the moment, I’m a bit puzzled myself. :thinking: I got my test forum on the exact version you do but I can’t reproduce the issue yet.

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Ok, here are the only plugins I have installed if that helps at all. Of note, I have two different forums on different servers (at the same version) and they have the exact same icon problem.

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I ran the ./discourse-setup and everything is fixed!


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