Spooky tracking happenings šŸ‘»

From a practical perspective, that doesnā€™t make sense to me. If I buy a book and put it on my shelf having not opened it, it is both new and unread.

Wouldnā€™t it be possible to have an old topic (with no tracking record) only appear in unread when thereā€™s new activity on it?

So, just as a tracking record is created on new activity for topics in watched categories, a tracking record would be created on new activity for topics in tracked categories.

Combined with the above, couldnā€™t we just dismiss topics where the tracking record has been changed to ā€œtrackingā€ as a result of tracking the category, which would mean the same user experience, without any additional database writes? (If I understand how tracking records, dismissing and TopicUser relate.)

This way, it seems to me, we could have a mailing list experience for tracking too! :smile: