SSO for Discourse and Socialengine

What would you like done?

SSO Setup between Socialengine PHP (PHP Zend) and Discourse.

When do you need it done?
Next few weeks? (Flexible)

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Negotiable at this point as we’ll have to figure out whats feasible and in scope. But lets say $150 to start off?

Further details
I have a website based on Socialengine (PHP\Zend) which has been running for about three years. We recently installed discourse to run our forums because it’s badass.
Here’s our desired outcome(s)

  • Users to be able to login once to either sites with same credentials, including existing members of both sites.
  • Sync account creation Socialengine<>Discourse.
  • (Very optional) link certain user profile fields Socialengine<>Discourse.

Let me know what questions you have on this and we’ll go from there. There’s a potential market for a plugin in the socialengine ecosystem as the forum and community engagement options really suck. Discourse does a much better job. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say “OMG you’ll make all the dollars” but there is potential for you to sell the code more than once.

Hello @SouperC, I can help you to setup sso.

  • If you have fresh discourse install it’s better to redirect discourse users to socialengine and login via sso.

  • Account creation will get done automatically when socialengine’s user login in discourse. Do you really need to it on account creation of social engine itself?

  • We can sync user fields too
    Discourse in sso login itself. No need for two way syncing. In this case synced fields can’t be edited inside discourse. Should be done in socialengine.

Hey @vinothkannans

When I say clean Discourse, I should probably say “recent”. We started getting people on the site last week so we have about 20 members in discourse and 300 or so in socialengine.

Creating an account in socialengine would be ideal as users will still be posting articles, maintaining directory listings, posting video and photo galleries etc and perhaps participate in the social network there at a future stage. It really depends on the complexity it might bring and how that impacts time and cost.

The main objective however is to just save folks the hassle of having to re-sign up. Existing socialengine users should be able to interact with discourse without friction and also, folks who happen to hit the signup button on any of the Socialengine pages should be able to post on discourse.

URLs might help: (Socialengine), (Discourse)

I think creating and implementing discourse sso plugin for socialengine is enough. And we need to manually or somehow have to migrate 20+ existing users in discourse.

Since I don’t have previous knowledge in Socialengine I am unable to estimate the amount.

Okay I can do the above points for $150. And If you like to sync profile fields $50 extra. And I need two weeks time.

If you want to do more tasks as per your first post then I have to re-think about the work. In this case I hope some other developers here will help you better.

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@vinothkannans I will follow up with you later this week

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