Full height is still in my back pocket until I fine tune the menu between android and iOS experience with menu swipe gestures – As for the categorization of notifications, I haven’t looked into tabbing notifications just yet.
I absolutely love this one? Maybe it can be worked out as a theme component for now?
Highly unlikely, involves adding a fourth top level glyph. We should be removing items in the name of simplicity, not piling more on.
I did a search, this covers the subject a bit
doubtful this will ever be an issue for the average user
I get a lot of PM’s and the tab always shows who replied last, not who its to,
so to follow up a day or days later I cant so easily find the PM I have in mind and need to go to messages page and sort through avatars
that can be frustrating as well
my question is could the menu be modified to show the username the PM is from rather than who replied last?
I can safely say that in my current use of Discourse, there’s so many notifications from so many different sources that chronology is the least of my troubles
Looking back at this idea, I still believe it holds great merit.
Curious if @Designers have any new thoughts on this.
we can have a color system to identify notification structures. Per example,
- Group messages: color yellow
- Private messages: color purple
Post interactions
- Replies: color pink
- Mentions: color green
- Incoming link: color grey
- Post edits: color orange
- Topic invite: color blue
Misc. activities
- Earned badge: color yellow
- Received like: color red

Maybe as we work on sideburger we can incorporate some of this feedback @awesomerobot?