Sublime Theme

:discourse2: Summary Sublime - A sublime theme for Discourse
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A simple and sublime theme for Discourse that is designed from scratch to integrate well with the sidebar.

Light Mode

Categories page:

Latest page:

Dark Mode

Categories page:

Latest page:

This theme includes the following components:


Discourse Settings

Following setting changes are required for this theme to render properly:

  • Enable the enable experimental sidebar hamburger setting
  • Select Boxes with Subcategories option for desktop category page style
  • Select sublime-dark as default dark mode color scheme id

Discourse Search Banner

For the discourse-search-banner theme component set plugin-outlet to below site header.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Themes are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-17T11:31:50Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Nice theme.

Is the light/dark toggle in the preview part of the theme?

Edit: I see it’s this theme component - just checking if it’s stable with the sidebar now because it was marked as broken.


Oh wow - that’s gorgeous. I have a new favourite theme! I know it has dependencies not currently in use here, but I would love to be able to use (Dark) Sublime here on Meta! :pray:

edit: It’s very minor, but I’m not quite sure the green used to denote the currently active home page fits the dark mode super well. It feels a bit too desaturated compared to the rest of the palette.


What CSS code do you use to put this white background behind the topics?


It’s a color variable so it can change whether the site uses the light or dark color palette:

body #main-outlet {
    background: var(--secondary);

There are some issues reported on that component and I’ll look into fixing them. The component is not packaged by default in this theme and I’ve installed it just so users can test out both light and dark color schemes.

Thank you! I’ll see if we can install it on meta.

Noted. Can you fork the theme and experiment with different colors to see what looks better? PR is always welcome. :slight_smile:


Interesting! Anything to be taken into account for mobile UI?


Mobile UI is almost vanilla except for opinionated color scheme and button styling.


Extremely nice theme. Looks lovely on Retina display.
Thanks :grinning:


where i can put # there ?

Could you please elaborate on what you mean?

hi @techAPJ how can i make the main category as box? not like a list. i tried to check boxes with subcategories only change the subcategory, not the main category.

this is what look like my forum

@techAPJ This is a lovely theme, thanks! Just wanted to note that it downloads the horizontal loading slider component, which is of course is now part of core. :slight_smile: