Tag click counts

How to tell how popular your tags are? We have a total count of each tag, fine, but what if one or two tags are looked at more often than all the others. This is potentially fantastically useful metadata?

Discourse, has always had a great feature: link click counts.

I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be a great thing to maintain counts of clicks on Tags and display that statistic somewhere, perhaps on the Dashboard in a top 10 and on the Tag page?


Bumping this question. Is it possible to track how many clicks each tag gets? This would be useful information to us as well.

Not possible at the moment, but this is certainly something that could be built, especially since it shares a lot of DNA with the existing feature of link tracking.

It does become a bit of a can of worms though, cause what about category clicks, channel clicks, badge clicks and so on.

An alternative is to lean on analytics for this kind of stuff and just have Discourse post an event to your analytics provider.