Tag - set but not set

I have made a Tag available for a catogory using this setting:

When making a post in the frontpage - from Latest, the default Category is “Uncategorized”.

Let us say I change it to another forum “Studmed debat” with these settings

Im able to set the tag to the topic. Or i seems like so, but its not there. And it shouldn’t. But this is kind of misleading as the user might think he have added a tag…?


What I’m seeing in your video is that you were able to set the tag “anatomi” when the topic is “uncategorized”, and then you changed the category to “Studmed debat”, saved it, and then the tag was gone.

I’m not able to reproduce this. When creating an uncategorized topic, I can’t choose any tags that are restricted to a category. Maybe this was already fixed. Can you try it again?


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