
I am trying to build a Discourse site but I’m having trouble with Categories and subcategories

I need to have a Category show on the left and when someone clicks on it, it shows subcategories on the page that opens. Then if they click on one of the subtopics a page will open with Topics just for that subcategory.

I will try to outline what I mean.

Futures Market (Main Category)
Precious Metals (Subcategory)
Energies (Subcategory)
Meats (Subcategory)
Metals (Subcategory)
Gold (topic under Metals)
Silver (topic under Metals)
Copper (topic under Metals)
Grains (Subcategory)
Corn (topic under Grains)
Wheat (topic under Grains)
Soybeans (topic under Grains)
Soymeal (topic under Grains)

I’m not sure if this is possible or if there is a better way to do it.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

you need a tree view category menu, as i know it is not possible without a special plugin etc.

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Do you mean the sidebar?

For the ‘Future Market’ category you can go to the category settings check the Show subcategory list above topics in this category setting. This would display all the subcategories under ‘Future Market’. For example the Documentation category.


Do you want something like this, when users click on the category?

To hide topics in subcategories, you can change the ‘default list filter’ in the Appearance settings of the parent category.


Yes, that’s exactly what I would like it to look like. It’s even better than what I had in mine. “Boxes” look far better than just a list. Wonderful idea and thank you Moin for sharing this. It seems to be the same suggestion that Ondrej had.

I’ve tried Mighty Networks, Podia Community, looked at Circle also. Discourse seems to me to look more “professional” while Circle and MN (and others) look more “youthful” or something. My audience is profession traders and also new traders looking the be professional traders too.

Thanks everyone


I’m new, not stupid, okay maybe a little slow to learn but I teach people everyday too.

If you could (anyone) show me step-by-step how to set up my Category(s) like in the Documentation (side bar here) so that the Subtopics for that Category would appear in the “Boxes” like they do when I click on Documentation.

Also how in the world do I get that pretty Header at the top of the page?

You visit the “Futures Market” category and click on the wrench icon to edit the category settings.

There you will find the settings ondrej and I mentioned.

There is also a topic about the Available settings within the category edit page and a guide especially about how to Display boxes for subcategories above topic list.

The category banner is added by a theme component. If you need further information about how to install it, you will find a guide linked in the table at the top of that topic.

To configure the default categories in the sidebar, you have to change the default_navigation_menu_categories site setting. You can search for that in the admin area of your forum.

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Would something like this b possible. I’m probably asking too much though.
Categories (opens a page like “Documents” (Boxes) with item 1 & 2.

1. Futures Markets (Category)

	1a.  Meats 

		Live Cattle (topic) 

		Feeder Cattle (topic) 

		Hogs (topic) 

	1b. Metals 

		Silver (topic) 

		Gold (topic) 

		Copper (topic) 

	1c. Grains 

		Corn (topic) 

		Wheat (topic) 

		Soybeans (topic) 

		Soybean Meal (topic) 

	1d. Currencies 

Aussie Dollar (topic)

New Zealand Dollar (topic)

Canadian Dollar (topic)

British Pound (topic)

Swiss Franc (topic)

Japanese Yen (topic)

  1. Financial Markets

    2a. S&P 500 (topic)
    2b. NASDAQ (topic)
    2c. Russell (topic)

Do you want your categories page to look like this?

That can be configured by changing the desktop_category_page_style site setting to “boxes with subcategories”. You can also try the other options to style the categories page.