The first emoji inside a title is not in the same "code" and is bigger

i used the iPad iOS emoji set on my brand new ipad air :star_struck: like that emoji too, but it gets converted when i post. Discourse is converting first emoji in set of multiple in title.

however, i’m not a fan at all of allowing more than one emoji in the title lol

Can’t achieve the same result using my iPad. :confused:

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looks like it’s the star emoji only

bell works


No i guess it s the wrong bell - it should like this - :bellhop_bell: - see also the html - there it is probably not an img

i just use the Discourse built in set when i’m on discourse forums so i never noticed any inconsistencies before. after a while i just memorized the codes for the common ones and typed and used autofill. if i use :star: :star: :star: :star: it works perfectly fine for me. but if i use my ipad emoji set i get the first star as converted and the rest not. i can’t reproduce any bell inconsistencies yet or any other emoji.

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The emoji limit issue should be resolved as per


@Decrypt, I’m not 100% sure your issue is related, feel free to test again when this fix is live :slight_smile:

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