Theme component to show indicator if current user has replied to a topic?

Someone has asked if there is a way to get an indicator showing whether the current user has replied to a topic. But I think that the category load has only the frequent post and no info on the current poster, right? So it’d take adding to the serializer?


You’re talking about showing an indicator on the topic list, right?

Yeah I don’t think there’s any existing indication that the current user has posted in a topic. Just whether or not they’ve seen it, where they left off, unread count…


And I think that’s only available when you get to the topic, but in any case, we agree that it’d take adding the “have I replied to this topic” data into the serializer for topic list. And if you’re good at that kind of thing, that’s an hour or two and another hour-ish to tweak the topic list to have another colum with some kind of did-I-reply indicator. And six hours to decide just what font-awesome thingy to use as an indicator and where to put it (maybe a check-box in the same column as the reply-count?).

So it’s a like 2-3ish hour (+ 6 hour) job? (and 2-12 for me)

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There is also

as a route which shows all the topics you posted in.