"Title is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive" - why?

Continuing the discussion from "Sorry, an error occurred" or 422 Unprocessable Entity: "Title is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive", as the software problem got fixed, but:

Why the following subject line:

 No such property: vcs for class: org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.IdeaProject_Decorated

is deemed not descriptive? Is this because there was a closed, old thread with a similar subject? Some other reason?

It is difficult to revive old threads if necessary if we can’t reuse the subject line…

I have this site setting enabled in my discourse: allow duplicate topic titles

If the problem is on a discourse you manage, does enabling that help?

(not belittling any request for clearer error messages)

I filed another bug today and it turns out that it does not like too many dots. So instead of org.gradle.internal.graph.CachingDirectedGraphWalker I had to use CachingDirectedGraphWalker. Not so cool for Java programming tool forum :slight_smile:

Ha ha ha, sounds like you might need to create a topic for that here too!

Oh please, not!!! :slight_smile:

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It is because a phrase with a lot of periods in between is considered a word, and a “too long” word. This has come up a few times @eviltrout and that regex should be changed to consider a period a “space” for the purposes of that check.

The goal is to block topics that have a title of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but the check needs to be a bit smarter about what it considers to be word breaks.

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Yeah but on the other hand it would allow working around any (potential) filters L.I.K.E.T.H.I.S.

Workarounds are intentionally not, erm, worked around for these because it’s there to stop low-effort posting. Implementing a workaround implies effort. “You had to try, so we’ll just give it to you.”

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This commit allows the title to work:
