Messages we email users share much of the same formatting general notifications get, we are building support for staged account messaging (messaging by users with no active accounts on Discourse) and I feel the the general formatting of messages needs toning down
The routing information would be generally confusing ("[Discourse] [PM]") especially for messages that originated from outside emails. I wonder if “[Discourse] [PM]” adds much even for “personal messages” that originate from Discourse. I feel like title is enough and feels much more personal.
The user card at the top with avatar and day (“December 2”) is burying the lede. Traditionally, in email, if you must a signature is added at the bottom. I think we should strip it from messages.
We are giving users 2 different ways to “stop getting the emails” it is very confusing, one of the links is a 404 for anon which is extra bad, instead the link should take you to a jump screen where you can be presented with your option, jump screen should work if you are logged in or not
In a staged account scenario “visit” is no longer applicable as you can not visit the topic.
The url is kind of gigantic, visit would be enough and takes up much less space
We still show “email context” for messages, I don’t think it makes sense at all from messages you can trip it so a message you made shows up in context which gets super confusing.