Toolbox of edit in iPad is missing

I realize today that on my iPad I’m missing that toolbox that should popup when I’ll start writing. I mean this one:

It shows up everywhere else, even on Discoursebased forums when I’m not using DiscourseHub.

Has something updated or is my iPad just mad on me?

I’m seeing the same thing both in Discourse Hub and through a browser. I’d actually been trying to get rid of it so I’m not bothered by this, but it is odd.

This is the first time I’ve used my iPad since updating to iPadOS 15.7 so I wonder if it’s something to do with that. @Jagster what OS version are you on?

On latest 15.something. 16 isn’t out yet. But that toolbox disappeared way later than updating iPadOS.

I’m missing it because it was the easiest way use emojies. On chat we have to remember name of an emoji, because same system as we have on forum side doesn’t apply.

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Can this be connected to this update of the Hub?

Hmm, we did make a related change in the latest version of DiscourseHub, but I still see that accessory bar on my iPad:

And as you can see, it hides some of the chat UI, so it’s not ideal…

I can minimize it so it is close to… not ideal, but something to live with :wink:

Why is you bar different than mine?

I’m not sure why they’re different… I guess different system settings?

Do either of you have predictive turned on? (settings/general/keyboards)